> “I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it’s not the answer”
You gotta be fucking kidding. Go tell this bullshit to people who can't afford living - and see what you get. There are people who has literally nothing in some God forsaken corners of Africa, Asia, or even Europe and America. Do you think they will like this quote? Well, you never know, since they don't have your fucking internet to read this.
The only way Jim Carrey or any other mf could get that rich (or even richer) is to fire these people who are that poor to exist. Don't forget about that next time you think about "having money is not all". Unfortunately, it is in the world we live in. And Jim Carrey can say that nonsense only because he has money. RTFM - read the fucking Marx.
That also reminds me: "If money is such a problem - well, they've got mansions. I think we should rob them".
A lot of these quotes only work for people, who has already succeeded. For white collars who get together and talk shit and smell their farts from the glasses, just like in that South Park episode. There's real life beyond that, wake up, Neo, you were fooled.